Postal address: Institutionen för kemi- och bioteknik, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Visiting address: Kemigården 4
Web page:
Contact person: Professor Sten Eriksson, phone +46 (0)31 772 2857
Research collaboration with South Asia
In November 2008, Prof. Sten Eriksson and his research group received SEK 600 000 as a three-years research grant from the Swedish Research Links programme (funded by Sida and the Swedish Research Council) for a Bangladesh related project titled ”Developing new ceramics for applications in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and search for new magneto-electric systems guided by neutron powder diffraction”.
The collaboration partner on the Bangladeshi side is Professor Farid Uddin Ahmed at the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission in Dhaka. The project focuses on tailor made materials with specific characteristics, ”Crystal Engineering” as it is called.
More information on the Swedish Research Links grants 2008.
Even before this new project, Prof. Eriksson has been involved in collaboration projects with Bangladesh. In 2004 he was also given a grant from the Swedish Research links programme for a project entitled ”Magnetic spinel ferrites and perovskite strutured ceramics: solid-state sintering and sol-gel synthesis, characterization by diffraction, electron microscopy and magnetisation measurements”.