India’s 65th Independence Day was celebrated on a large sale in Copenhagen on Saturday 18 August 2012. The festivities were organised by the Indians in Denmark Assocation (IID) at Vibenshus Skole in north Copenhagen. Hundreds of Indians and also a substantial number of Danes turned up for the event that included both classical music and dance performances, for example an excellent Bharata Natyam performance by Anna Kav (photo below), but also of course Bollywood music, Bhangra etc.
The programme also featured a specially choreographed show with the Indian diaspora in Copenhagen dressed up in the local finery, displaying their local tradition and culture, and children performed in two shows, one a medley of Indian favourites and another where moms and their kids danced to their favorite numbers!
SASNET’s deputy director Lars Eklund was invited to the event as a chief guest along with Mr. Steen Lassen, Chairman of the Holck-Larsen Foundation, who has initated the mega-project India Today – Copenhagen Tomorrow. They were invited to letting baloons fly towards heaven as a start to the festivities, and later held speeches to the audience.
Indians In Denmark started as an online initiative of Mr. Kannathasan Pandian and a few of his friends-cum-fellow professionals in 2009. IID has evolved as the largest Indian network in Denmark, with over 5000 registered members. It has organized several cultural events, festivals and networking activities.
‘India Today/Copenhagen Tomorrow’ mentioned above will be the largest event about India ever held in Denmark with programmes in art, music and dance, film, design and fashion, literature, media, education, science and business. The events take place in Denmark in the period from August 2012 to January 2013. ‘India Today / Copenhagen Tomorrow’ aims to link the people of India and Denmark by fostering this exchange of culture, science and trade. Read more on and