Postal address: Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Göteborgs universitet, Box 200, SE-405 30 Göteborg, Sweden
Visiting address: Vera Sandbergs allé 8, hus 3:2
Web page:
Contact person: Dr. Lena Martinsson, Senior lecturer in Gender Studies, phone: +46 (0)31 786 5910.
Personal web page.
Research connected to South Asia
Lena Martinsson is one of six researchers at Lund University (LU) and University of Gothenburg (GU) that were awarded a major five-years grant for a comparative project on Women and the Making of Civil Society in different parts of the world by the Research Council for research within the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences. The decision was taken on 27 October 2010.
More information about the 2010 Swedish Research Council grants.
The project entitled Imagining Change: Women and the making of civil societies in the Artic region, Asia, Latin America and Europe will be carried out during the period 2010-14, and the total sum awarded is SEK 10 m. It is an interdisciplinary project, led by Dr. Diana Mulinari, Center for Gender Studies at Lund University, that aims to study conflicts over gender and power, that has been central to the history of modernity.
The study focuses on an comparative, historical and international analysis of the interaction of gender and the field of the political. Different kinds of women s organizations and civil society organisations targeting women and children will be analyzed, as well as feminisms that evolve in diverse national/regional contexts.
Individual studies will be carried out in Sweden and Germany (Tiina Rosenberg, LU); Pakistan (Lena Martinsson, GU), Vietnam (Helle Rydström, LU); Taiwan (Chialing Yan, LU); Argentina and Bolivia (Diana Mulinari, LU), and the Arctic region (Lisbet Lewander, GU).
Lena Martinsson will make the individual study focusing on Pakistan. She has already done some studies on the women s movement in the country. In 2009, she visited the Bonded Labour Liberation Front (BLLF), and studied its work for women s rights and the problems attached to this.
She has written an article entitled Kvinnorörelser i muslimsk kontext. En kamp mot västcentrism och patriarkala principer, published by BLLF Sweden. Read the article.