Postal address: Department of Physics, Stockholm University, Alba Nova University Centrum, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting address: Physics Department at AlbaNova, between the main University campus at Frescati and the KTH campus at Valhallavägen
Web page:
Contact persons:
Professor Reinhold Schuch, Head of Division, phone: +46 (0)8 55378621
Professor Eva Lindroth, phone: +46 (0)8 55378616
South Asia related research collaboration projects
The Atomic Physics group is part of the Department of Physics at Stockholm University. It participates in a research staff exchange network called DWQBS (Dynamics of Weakly Bound Quantum Systems). This network was created in 2011 with the financial support of the European Commission funded FP7 Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES).
The research focuses on breakup dynamics in atoms, molecules and superheavy nuclei, and has one Indian collaboration partner, namely the Manipal Advanced Research Group (MARG) at Manipal University. The other networking partners are División Colisiones Atómicas y Física de Superficies – Centro Atómico Bariloche (Argentina), Sorbonne University (France), and University of Bergen (Norway).
The programme has two main focuses: the theoretical challenges regarding transfer and breakup mechanisms in excited atomic and molecular systems, as well as to develop new understanding for the atomic structure problem in Super Heavy Elements (SHE) based on experience of many body physics in systems like large clusters and quantum dots. The network will operate during 3 years (2011 – 2014), and there are planned a total of 135 travel months (secondments) to/from the partner countries (Argentina, India) to the beneficiary countries (Norway, Sweden and France). The travellers are a mix of early stage researchers, experienced researchers and technical/administrative personell.
Follow the publications of the group here.
The coordinator on the Swedish side is Professor Eva Lindroth, who was on a visit to Manipal University in India in January 2012. The coordinator on the Indian side is Professor Mohini Gupta. More information to follow