Home » SWEDISH UNIVERSITIES ENGAGED IN SOUTH ASIA RESEARCH 2015 » Malmö University, 2015 » Department of Urban Studies, Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University, 2015

Department of Urban Studies, Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University, 2015

Postal address: Malmö University, SE-205 06 Malmö, Sweden
Visiting address: Östra Varvsgatan 11 (Ubåtshallen)
Web page: http://www.mah.se/english/Schools-and-faculties/Faculty-of-Culture-and-Society/DepartmentsSchools/Department-of-Urban-Studies/

Contact person: Associate Professor Karin Grundström, phone: +46 (0)40 665 72 85. Personal webpage.

South Asia related activities

From the academic year 2011/12, the department is involved in a Linnaeus Palme exchange programme with the Faculty of Architecture at Moratuwa University, Sri Lanka. Karin Grundström is  coordinating the project on the Swedish side.
More information about current South Asia related Linnaeus Palme projects.

In September-October 2011, two faculty members from Moratuwa University visited Malmö, Professor Sevinarate Mahanama, Dean, Faculty of Architecture; and Professor Jagath Munasinghe, Head, Division of Urban and Rural Planning, Moratuwa University, and lectured for the students. 
Their visit was documented at Malmö University web site. See an article where the guests tell about their impressions from Malmö (in Swedish only)

The collaboration project is focusing only on an exchange of teachers, not students, and the next phase consists of a visit to Moratuwa in the spring 2012 by Karin Grundström and one of her colleagues within the department, Associate Professor Lina Olsson.
The project has received continued funding for the period 2012-13 with SEK 100 426. More information about the South Asia related Linnaeus Palme projects for 2012-13.