Postal address: Avdelningen för kraftverksteknik, Institutionen för Energivetenskaper, LTH, Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Visiting address: Ole Römers Väg 1, 4th floor
Web page:
Contact person: Professor Mohsen Assadi, phone: +46 (0)46 222 4862. Personal web page.
The research in this Division focuses on methods for analysing and optimizing thermal power stations. Special attention is given to Gas Turbines and new cycles based on gas turbines including combined cycles based on gasified biomass, evaporative gas turbine cycles and Fuel cells integrated with gas turbines.
Professor Mohsen Assadi (photo) still works part of his time (10 %) at Lund University, but since 2007 he has his main affiliation to University of Stavanger in Norway, where he works as Professor of Gas Technology. He is also Chief Scientist in a research group on new energy, risk management and well construction, at the International Research Institute of Stavanger AS (IRIS).
Research connected to South Asia
In November 2006, Prof. Mohsen Assadi received a minor Swedish research Links grant for a project about Indian coal-based power stations. The project is titled ”Development of Artificial Neural Network Simulation and Condition Monitoring Tools for Coal Based Power and Cogeneration Plants of India”, and will be carried out in collaboration with Associate Professor Sudipta De (photo), Reader at the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. See SASNET’s list of South Asia related projects given Swedish Research Links grants in 2006.
Project abstract: Simulation and condition monitoring tools are very useful for better performance and reduced emissions from power and CHP plants. Such tools using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and information technology (IT) are proved to be ‘high value, low cost’ options. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is one such option, which is already proved to be useful for gas turbine based systems. In this project development of simulation and condition monitoring tools for coal based power and CHP plants has been proposed. Models will be developed at component as well as system levels. The experience of simulation of coal based plants of the Indian investigator and real life plant data from India will be combined with the knowledge and experience of ANN applications for plant monitoring and environmental performance of the Swedish investigator for this purpose. This may help Indian power sectors with a better performance and reduced emissions contributing to an improved quality of life locally and reducing environmental degradation globally. More information.
By 2011, the project has been completed. Prof. Asadi and Dr. De ( still at Jadavpur University) however plans for a follow-up project in some form.
During the period August–October 2010, Sudipta De spent time at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, as a scholarship holder under the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programme India4EU (coordinated by Politecnico di Torino, Italy) – more information.