Home » SWEDISH UNIVERSITIES ENGAGED IN SOUTH ASIA RESEARCH 2015 » Dalarna University, Campus Falun, 2015 » History, Dalarna University, Education and Humanities, Campus Lugnet, Falun, 2015

History, Dalarna University, Education and Humanities, Campus Lugnet, Falun, 2015

Postal address: SE-791 88 Falun
Visiting address: Selma Lagerlöfsplatsen
Web page: http://www.du.se/en/Education/Subject-list/History/

Contact person: Associate Professor Lars Berge,
phone: +46 (0)23-77 82 79

Research at the department connected to South Asia

After defending his thesis on ”The Bambatha Watershed: Swedish missionaries, African Christians and an evolving Zulu church in rural Natal and Zululand 1902-1910” at the Dept. of Theology, Uppsala University (read the abstract of the thesis), Lars Berge (see photo) has turned his attention towards South India. However, at Högskolan Dalarna he has been in charge of a course on Modern South Asia for students of History and Religious studies at C- and D-level.

Along with Gunnel Cederlöf, Dept. of History, Uppsala University, Lars Berge has also been involved in the The South India Field Study Project. Though integrated into the undergraduate programme of the History department at the Dalarna University in Falun this project is different from other similar programmes organised by educational institutions in the West since, from the outset, it is the result of a student initiative.

The educational project, which was awarded a planning grant from SASNET in 2001, has resulted in a book called ”Political Visions and Social Realities in Contemporary South India”.
The book was published and presented at a seminar, open to the public, on Friday 5 September 2003. SASNET’s deputy director Lars Eklund participated in the function.
More information on the South India Field Study Project